Nigerian duplex

Comparing the Nigerian Duplex and the Foreign Duplex | Nellyani Homes

Did you know that the duplex in Nigerian Real Estate parlance is different from the foreign duplex?

Did you know that the duplex in Nigerian Real Estate parlance is different from the foreign duplex? In an actual sense, the foreign duplex is the universal technical term for the property type. There are similarities between both, but it is important to understand what Nigerian property dealers refer to as a ‘duplex’.

Nigerian duplex example

Example of a one-storey Nigerian duplex.

A famous Australian real estate website defines a duplex as a residential building containing two homes that share a common central wall. This is what Nigerians call a semi-detached building or apartment.

This definition by the Australian publishers is supported by Wikipedia definitions. It implies that a duplex can be a structure with just one floor and also multiple floors. That is strange to Nigerians. With us, a duplex must be at least 2 floors. A single-floor building cannot be considered a duplex on Nigerian property streets.

The primary description for a duplex in Nigeria is that it has more than just the ground floor. Some designs have several duplexes joined together, which Nigerian realtors would call semi-detached duplexes, or the kind referred to as terrace duplexes.

Nigerian Duplex

Example of Semi-detached terrace duplexes. If interested in this property for rent, contact us at Nellyani Properties. Click here for this property.

It can also be a single stand-alone structure which realtors in Nigeria call a ‘fully detached duplex’. Foreigners usually refer to this as a two-story (or 3-story, or more story) home. Architects usually design the duplex with the bedrooms on the top floors while the ground floor has the living room, stores, pantry, garage, and entrance.

It is important for those who are planning to get a home in Nigeria or to rent a business place in Nigeria to know these differences. We will post more articles on the semantic differences between Nigerian property industry and that of foreign markets.

Call us at Nellyani Properties to buy or lease property. Whatsapp here, YouTube here or Call here.

Keywords: Nigerian duplex, foreign duplex, differences.

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