Frequently Asked Questions

I am interested in a property, how do I get more details?

Search and click on the preferred property from the listings page. Send a direct message or use the form to quickly drop a short message to the agent.

What should I do if I can't find what I need?

Post a request using the Menu item ‘Request’. And an agent will get back to you.

What are house inspections?

When buying/leasing/renting a home or landed property, it is important to perform a thorough assessment of the home’s structure, equipment, and surroundings. In real estate it is appropriate to protect buyers from purchasing a structurally unsound home, while at the same time protecting sellers from liability. A buyer may choose to inspect the home him or herself, through an agent or by proxy.

Your home should fit the way you live, with spaces and features that appeal to you and family. Before you begin looking at homes, make a list of your priorities:  location, size, lot, amenities, etc.  Establish a set of minimum requirements and a “wish list”.  Minimum requirements are things that a house must have for you to consider it, while a “wish list” covers things that you’d like to have but aren’t essential.

How can I keep track of all the homes I see?

If possible, take photographs of each house:  the outside, the yard, the major rooms, and extra features that you like or ones you see as potential problems.  And don’t hesitate to go back for a second look.

What other services do you offer?

Our services include leasing of properties, sales of properties, property development, consultancy and agency, feasibility and viability appraisal, facility management, renovation, among a host of others. Click here.

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